Book Link Publishers is a self-publishing support service that systematically,
responsibly, and reliably, with 40 years of experience in book publishing, assists you so that:
(a) you can publish your books with professional and aesthetic integrity, bearing the hallmark
of a British Publishing House
(b) make the book available for sale both in hard copy and in e-book format in various online
bookstores around the world
(c) print and send the books to their purchasers, (d) carry out promotional activities on your
(d) give you 100% of the net profits from the sales of your books.
You will be the exclusive copyright holder of your book! By selling through Book Link Publishers, you will receive 70% of your net profits!
Depending on your available budget, you can choose which services to do now, and which ones down the road!
It becomes easy, simple and economical!
Technically and aesthetically editing the layout and pagination of your book to make it ready for printing.
Designing and creating the cover of your book to make it a success.
If you need the support of experienced proof-editors for a professional spelling correction of your text.
Providing ISBN from United Kingdom (the unique international number that identifies each book issue).
Odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas. In fermentum et libero sollicitudin nibh nisl condimentum.
The printing of at least 30 books that the author buys at very special prices.